Monday, November 29, 2010

Christmas Card 2010

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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Stay Tuned

I wish we were already giving you the great news of a nondetectable PSA, but instead I'm just letting you know that the short work week (for Charlie, that meant cramming 5 days of work into 3 days) made it impossible to get to the lab for the blood draw. We're going to get that done early this coming week, and then we'll be sure to let you know as soon as we get the results.

And one more quick update is that Charlie is apparently back to full strength, at least where walking is concerned. A couple of weeks ago, I shared about us getting to attend a Clemson football game in fine style and how we walked back and forth in a very unhurried way so not to wear him out. As of last night, all that has apparently changed! After a great time tailgating for several hours with family and friends, and the it-would-have-taken-a-miracle-to-beat-USC loss on the football field, Cole and Shelby and I observed that we had to stay focused to keep up with Charlie walking back to the car. It was a lot further from the stadium than our reserved space of a couple weeks ago, and he was setting a pace worthy of an Olympic race walker. So next time you see him leisurely strolling back to the office after lunch on Main Street, tell him you know what he's capable of!

Stay tuned for blood test results coming soon...

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Long Overdue

Hardly a day goes by that we don't have a conversation with at least one person about the progress since surgery, how Charlie is feeling, what's the next step, etc. Maybe it's time I take the subtle hints and update everyone at once.

The next step that's most on our minds right now is next week's blood test to check the PSA (prostate-specific antigen). We'll all be happy campers if we get back a result of ZERO, which would mean all the prostate cells in Charlie's body were indeed removed at surgery, and none escaped elsewhere to begin their nasty process of spreading cancer. At least that's my understanding of it. If the PSA is anything other than a big ol' goose egg, we'll have some decisions to make. Please pray with us for peace of mind and to consistently remember Who is in charge while we wait for the test and the results. We really don't have any logical reason to be concerned, but until we know for sure there is always that little creeping doubt that it might not turn out the way we're expecting and hoping.

Cole's frustration of having to sit most of the football season on the sidelines since sustaining a concussion in early September has finally given way to the start of wrestling practice. He was released by the sports medicine folks at Steadman Hawkins to begin practicing about two weeks ago, and he's loving being back in the thick of the action. Charlie & I stopped by the gym for a little while this morning to observe part of a three-hour scrimmage (glorified practice involving multiple teams rolling around on the mats, sweating, and pummeling each other).

Coach Koz, I'm sorry, I know it's way more than this and much harder than it looks, but that's kind of how it appears to the average bystander.

Back to my point. I only mention that we watched part of practice this morning to say how much fun it is to be a parent when your child is doing something he enjoys so much, finding a measure of success in it, and doing it with every ounce of determination and strength he possesses. Now to find ways to translate that effort into other areas, too.... think average teenage boy, and use your imagination.

I'm sure Cole's matches this season will be a little more nerve racking to watch, since wrestling is not exactly a sport devoid of potential conks on the head. The first live matches will come on December 2-4 when we host the Southern Slam (even the name of the tournament implies something I don't want happening to his noggin!). If you're interested in both the preservation of his head and the outcome of the matches, we'll try to post some results here.

Before I wrap up this post, let me just say again how well you have taught us these past few months how to love on someone in need. We have already had a number of opportunities to put that same kind of love into action for others in our circle of friends who have experienced various losses and times of need. We are so grateful for the way you cared for us when we were overwhelmed and tired. Without you, we certainly would not have known how to reach out to others in turn.

Sorry, I lied. There is one more thing I want to tell you about. If you know me very well, you know I enjoy reading and talking about what I've read. I've always said I will probably never invest in an e-reader device, because there's just something irresistible about real pages in a real book. But I've since discovered the wonderful world of one particular blog that has absolutely captivated my heart. If you want to read an incredibly moving story and be encouraged in your faith, visit Bring the Rain, written by Angie Smith. I have gone back to the beginning of Angie's posts and read here and there whenever I have a few minutes to spare. I've wept, laughed out loud, been inspired, and simply enjoyed getting to know this sweet young woman and her family. There's my recommendation. Let me know if you enjoy it as much as I have. (Warning: Angie's blog contains multiple links to other pages that are equally enthralling, so you may find yourself spending more time blog-hopping than you should!)

For all two of you who have stuck with this long post to the end, thanks. We'll post again as soon as we get the PSA results. We love you and are grateful to God for your friendship.