Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Did he really say that?!

I had to laugh last week as we were standing in line at Fuddrucker's with the swim team after the last dual meet of the 2010 season. Anyone who has ever eaten out with Charlie knows exactly what I'm talking about here and why I almost laughed out loud. We were both pondering the large overhead menu, mouths watering, when Charlie leans down to me and says, "Y'know, there's really nothing on there I should be eating." He really is taking seriously his personal challenge to shed a few pounds before surgery in August! It should also be made perfectly clear up front that I wasn't the one who put him up to losing some weight. He simply identified with a patient in one of the prostate cancer books we've been reading and determined then and there he would be a better surgical patient if he were a few pounds lighter. So, he's had almost NO ice cream, few desserts of any kind, and has been quite agreeable to most of our menus at home (meatless main dishes, lots of fresh fruit & veggies, skim milk, etc.). I'm thinking a big milkshake or some French fries will be in order as soon as he is up to eating "real food" again after the surgery!


  1. Terri,
    I will be praying for you both this summer. I am encouraged that you have found a trustworthy and approachable surgeon. Our family's good news is that Grant has a job now, after having been unemployed for 6 months. God provided for us and he will for your family too.

  2. Brennan, what great news that Grant landed a job! I know you are all so relieved, but this will be a time your family will look back on in the years to come as one of those reminders of God's faithfulness & provision. We've had lots of those milestone moments in our family, too. Thanks so much for your prayers. That support really means a lot to all of us.

  3. Lisa and Mark7/12/2010

    We so thankful for the circumstances God used to have you find about the cancer! I'm sure Dave Ramsey would love to know how God used him. God had to move us from Atlanta to DC for Mark to "just happen" to find out the same details, as he was "just checking out a new doctor" because we had moved and we needed a new one. God is so amazing!! He got us through all the fears, the surgery, radiation and continues to work after four years of Mark being cancer free and He will get you through too. We are here for you too!!!
