Don't look now! I'm patting myself on the back for figuring out how to upload a picture to this blog. I added a couple of shots to last week's post where I told about the former youth group members who came to see us. And now for a few images from the hospital on the day of surgery.
We saw so many different people in the preop area -- I wish I could remember their names! Without exception, their kind manner and easy way of making us comfortable demonstrated how much they enjoy their jobs and love people. This nice lady was getting all the lines in place to receive the you-will-not-remember-this-conversation drugs as well as bag after bag of Ringer's lactate and other fluids Charlie was to receive over the next two days in the hospital.

Who would ever know this guy was about to receive his "blue cap" and move on to surgery. Look at that smile! It's apparent Patrick's presence had a calming influence as we waited for the OR to be ready. One of the nurses came in and reported to us that they were almost finished -- still putting on the table extensions so his feet wouldn't hang off and possibly receive nerve damage during the three-hour surgery. The red cap meant not every person who needed to see him before the operation had made their visit yet. Once the final i's were dotted and t's crossed on his electronic medical record, the red was swapped out for blue, and he was whisked away.

Patrick Shealy, Kathy Lewis, and Steve and Judy Davenport made up Charlie's fantastic waiting room posse. Shortly after he was moved to the Operating Room and we knew there would be no updates for at least two hours, the five of us ventured to the hospital cateferia where more detailed introductions were made and we enjoyed a bite of lunch. This was yet another picture of the Body of Christ; I was the only one who personally knew every of these five, yet we all talked, and prayed, and shared a camaraderie of the Spirit together as if we were all long-lost family.

I suppose there is irony in the fact that the skies outside of Duke Hospital were stormy and threatening all afternoon. All the while indoors, God was providing an incredible peace and assurance to each of us as we waited.

We are still in some ways waiting. We will have a follow-up visit with the surgeon on September 9 to remove the staples from his wound and pull the Foley catheter. This will also be when we will find out the pathology results. The entire prostate, pelvic lymph nodes, and that pesky piece of tissue from the bladder are all being analyzed to determine whether there was any spread of cancer beyond the prostate. While we wait for those answers, we will continue to handle the various tasks involved in getting Charlie strong again, providing nourishing meals, dosing the handful of meds several times a day, and encouraging his gradual return to light physical activity. All in good time, and all the while trusting God.
I'm so proud of you for learning to post photos...they added so much to the entry! Thanks for sharing. I am glad you felt God's peace then and pray you will continue to feel His peace daily.