Oh, the difference a few hours make! Charlie has really seemed to turn a corner for the better this afternoon and evening. When we arrived here at Steve and Judy's house about 30 minutes from the hospital a little after noon today, I was just a tad concerned he might have some trouble getting up the four or five steps to get into the house. After all, climbing stairs uses a whole different set of muscles than the short snail's-pace strolls we were able to take around the hospital corriders on Wednesday. But I was so pleased to watch him arrive on the porch landing without missing a beat!
The other significant change is that his appetite is starting to return. After we got here and he was settled into a comfy chair on the first floor, I headed to the pharmacy to fill his prescriptions and pick up some special-request grocery items from the store. We had talked in the car on the way home from the hospital about what he might be craving; I was digging deep to come up with something creative that might appeal to him and spark his desire to eat. He seemed to click with the idea of a milkshake, so on the way home, meds in hand, I stopped for a Chick Fil-A milkshake. (Yes, I was still having a hard time coming off of the hospital habit of watching him pick lightly at something and then proceed to demolish it for myself, so I ordered the large shake, knowing full well he wouldn't eat it all, and then I would get to enjoy some, too!) I was right about predicting how much he would eat, and he and I both finished the afternoon with satisfied bellies.
After a restful nap, he perked up pretty well and ate a well-rounded supper, although the portions were still much smaller than what would normally appear on Charlie's plate. At the moment, Judy is tempting him with a nightcap of homemade apple crisp. I'm sure she won't have to twist my arm!
The plan for Friday is to sleep in without an alarm and then hit I-40 after morning traffic subsides, probably between 9 and 9:30. Our special treat tomorrow morning will be to meet Steve and Judy's two beautiful grandchildren. Could there be a better way to put smiles on our faces to start off the trip?
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