The bottom line is that Cole and Shelby were on a houseboat party with friends at the lake when Cole had a jet ski accident that resulted in the loss of three of his front teeth. Makes me cringe all over again just typing those words. Actually, one of the teeth is still in his mouth, but it is impacted deep into his upper gum.
GROSS FACTOR WARNING: If you are squeamish, you may want to quickly scroll to the bottom of the post and read without viewing the picture. But I realize some of you may want to see for yourself which side comes up short when mouth meets jet ski.
Let me also take this opportunity to publicly declare we LOVE our pediatric dentist, Dr. Robin Wilson. When I called her in the middle of Saturday afternoon, she quickly agreed to meet us at her office immediately for an x-ray and exam. We were so thankful to have the assurance of what exactly was the position of the remaining tooth and that there was not even a fragment remaining of the other two. One side note is that God provided a sweet friend from church as the employee who also met us at the office and did the x-ray before Dr. Robin could get there.
I'm sure other mothers can relate to this, but when there is an emergency involving one of your family members, you just sort of engage, efficiently handling the necessary actions, not hesitating or thinking twice. It was not until the next day when our family was talking about the event that we realized how perfectly God had provided for where his face hit the jet ski. Had he collided even an inch or two in another direction, he could have had yet another concussion, suffered severe facial fractures, or maybe broken his neck or worse. Thank you, Lord. Reminds me of the scripture that instructs us to "give thanks in all things." This is not something we would ever choose, but it could have been so much worse.
Many of you already saw Cole in person at church, so you know he is really taking it all in stride pretty well. But this evening as he headed to bed, he said the pain medicine wasn't doing too well at reducing the dull throbbing. Please pray we will find the right combination of things to make him comfortable. And also pray specifically that the impacted tooth will quickly re-emerge and not be damaged. Dr. Robin told us it could take a few months.
Where we are headed from this point is to first of all wait for the gums to heal. As soon as possible, a dental impression will be made and a "flipper" will be crafted with fake teeth. We are told this is what he will wear until his jaw and skull are completely finished growing. Then he will have implant surgery done where new permanent teeth will be fitted into place through a multi-step process. This last phase is a long way down the road, with many factors to consider along the way. Again, God has provided a friend from church who is a periodontist and offered to see Cole and advise us along the way, possibly being the doctor who will eventually do the implants.
Thank you all so much for your prayers!
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