Sunday, June 5, 2011


I forgot to tell an incredible little "God-incidence" about the teeth.

While the kids were having fun on the lake, Charlie and I were just working around the garage and yard. You know, normal Saturday-without-kids-at-home kind of stuff. I was moving a sprinkler across the yard when I felt God speak to my heart reminding me that my kids are out on the lake, where dangerous things can happen, and I need to pray for their safety. Somewhere recently I had heard comments about how we are sort of safety obsessed in our culture today. We pray for safety before a trip. We often take ridiculous precautions even for routine activities. We would probably bubble-wrap our kids if it were possible. (If that IS possible, please let me know, because I'm seriously considering it at this point.)

Anyway, my whispered prayer was probably less of a "Please keep them safe" and more along the lines of "Lord, I can't control what happens, and they are truly in Your hands." It wasn't 15 minutes later that the phone rang telling of the accident. Coincidence? Most definitely not! Was it my "arrow" prayer that kept Cole's injuries from being any worse? Or was God's quiet voice to my spirit about dangerous things that can happen the tool He used to prepare my heart and mind to hear the news of something gone wrong? Certainly, I can never presume the mind of God. But I do know He spoke to me in that moment, and I know He will continue to hold Cole in His hands throughout the healing process.

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