Thursday, July 22, 2010

And the Wait Goes On

We are so appreciative of the many of you who are keeping tabs on how we're doing while we play the waiting game. We hope it goes without saying that we don't mind being asked about how things are going, and there are times you will probably want to tell us to quit talking about it. There seems to be a therapeutic element to just thinking out loud about all we have processed and what we are anticipating.

While we wait, we both have been experiencing some highs and lows, which is probably very natural. To dwell too long on the "maybes" and "what ifs" definitely doesn't do much for our moods, but we have had some good conversation about those very real possibilities and we are ready to face them head-on.

Please continue to pray. Just tonight, a friend mentioned that he is praying that the cancer will be completely gone when Dr. Polascik starts the surgery. My personal prayer is that every cancer cell will be contained within the gland and therefore completely removed at surgery. In whatever way God chooses to show Himself in this, we will give Him all the credit. We know He is bigger than any cancer or the effects it leaves in its wake, and He will strengthen us for the road ahead.


  1. Rom. 8:25- We hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. Well this is out of context but i'm praying for Charlie's body to be healed and for every single healthy cell he has to be under complete protection by God's hands. I'm praying for his doctors to have supernatural gifts and knowledge as they analyse and work with him. I'm praying for you all to be comforted and strengthened by God and through people around you. That only words which lift you all up are spoken and any foolish ones fall away like dust. May God's perfect will be done in all these things. I want to hear more. You are amazing to,m

  2. You all have been in my thoughts and prayers many times this summer, especially every time I drive by/to Duke!! I will continue to lift Charlie up in prayer, that God will resolve this cancer with complete physical healing in an efficient and effective manner and with no further treatments needed after the surgery!! I pray that God will bless you all through this as much as Charlie blessed me almost 21 years ago!!!

  3. Anonymous8/08/2010

    There is nothing better than the power of prayer. I witnessed that going through my journey fighting the strokes,cancer and now seizures. I feel God so close to me as I know God has Charlie wrapped in his arms. One of the best medicines is "Positive Thinking". Yes, you will have those low days, and that is okay, but then our Lord will pick you up again.
    Aunt Susie

  4. Aunt Susie8/08/2010

    Well Terrie and Charlie you can see I do not know how all this works. I certainly do not want to be ANONYMOUS, BUT THAT IS WHAT I DID!!!!
    Aunt Susie
