Thursday, October 2, 2014

Write 31 Days - Not Easier, Just Different

There's something about a slower, quieter routine that invites reflection.  Mixed with a reasonable dose of nostalgia. 

Today I had the blessing of a quick two-minute chat with a sweet, young mommy-to-be as we walked down the hall after Bible study.  She told me about the little discomforts, more or less the normal inconveniences, she is experiencing at this point in her pregnancy.  Her comments reminded me of something an older, wiser woman once told me.  Cue the nostalgia.

"It never really gets easier, just different." 

These words, spoken by a seasoned grandma, were in response to my weary plea for more sleep - even a blissful uninterrupted two hours would have been heavenly - during those early years when I was a new mommy.  My first born was daughter was barely fourteen months old when her sister was born.  Exhausted isn't a strong enough word. 

The sleep-deprived stage morphed into the mental challenge of patiently and truthfully answering endless "why" questions from curious preschoolers.  Then along came twins, and the real juggling act kicked in.  School-age activities for the big girls, with the twins always in tow.  Fast forward a few more years, and there's sports teams, ER visits, driving, dating, "girl drama", fashion fiascos, and the whole college-search obsession. 


Looking back now, remembering what it felt like to be so ready for this baby to finally get here, "so I won't be so uncomfortable," all the while nervously anticipating what kind of parents we were going to be, it does seem like it all happened in a blink.  Each age and stage held its own joys and triumphs.  Along with its unique struggles and tears. 

That older woman had been right then, and she continues to be right.  Even with four kids in college or out on their own, there are still moments when I wonder how we'll handle the crisis of the moment. 

The nature of the challenges has shifted through the years.  Things have gotten different instead of getting easier, and I think I'm glad for that.  If they were easy, I wouldn't be reminded to take each care to Jesus, asking for His guidance and provision.  And I would have missed the treasure of getting to depend on Him through it all. 

1 comment:

  1. What great insight. I love your topic and can't wait to read more.
